A Midwinter Double Feature–Saturday, February 10, 2018

2:00 to 4:00 pm Reflective Dialog Workshop

7:00 to 9:30 pm Valentine’s Day Dance

Benefit for the Material Aid and Advocacy Program (MAAP)

See Flyer Here

The Reflective Dialog Workshop is for anyone interested in deepening their relationship with a significant other or friend through an effective communication technique, the Imago Dialog process. Are you ready to stop fighting and/or avoiding conflict? Are you ready to hear and be heard with empathy and understanding? This workshop will help.

Childcare is available, 1:45 – 4:15, if people register in advance by February 4. To register and/or request childcare at https://tinyurl.com/yaho5p3j

The Valentine’s Day Dance is in honor of an annual shout out to the rhapsodies of romance ….We invite couples and singles, including youth, to dance your socks off at our Meeting’s first-ever pre-Valentine’s Day dance.

Featuring live music with our own Andrea Condit and her 9-piece, Afro beat & groove band—Opposite People at oppositewebsite.com

Suggested Donations

  • Singles: $15 per event (workshop or dance); $25 for both (workshop & dance)
  • Couples: $30 per event (workshop or dance); $50 for both (workshop & dance)

Proceeds will benefit the Material Aid & Advocacy Program (MAAP), now under the financial care of FMC.

Since 1944, MAAP’s mission has been “to see what love can do” and to provide clothing and household goods for those in need, along with advocacy for families and individuals who have become homeless.